How to Bake with Buckwheat Flour

Despite its confusing name, buckwheat is naturally free of wheat and gluten. But our exploration of the flour made from the earthy, nutritionally rich seed makes one thing abundantly clear: … Read More

Baking with Sorghum Flour

What is sorghum flour? How do you use it? What does it taste like? More than just a staple in gluten-free all-purpose flour blends, sorghum flour has a mildly grassy, … Read More

Which Ancient Grains Contain Gluten?

There’s more to staying gluten-free than avoiding wheat, barley, and rye. If you’re wondering which grains contain gluten, nutritional health coach Lani Jacobs-Banner, BS, clarifies which of the newly popular … Read More

What We’re Eating Now

May 23, 2024 The sunshine season is here and temperatures are rising. For me, this signals snack season, when light noshes replace bigger comfort meals. But getting into a snacking … Read More

How to Dine Out Gluten Free

By Cynthia Rice If you need to follow a strict gluten-free diet for medical reasons, you know that dining out can be an uncomfortable, if not downright risky, experience. Never … Read More